Roguelike Games!

Posted by Kromey at 1:38am Aug 19 '08
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I practically grew up on Moria - it was my very first RPG of any type! I have a friend who's hard-core into ADOM. Some others have played NetHack, and one even Dwarf Fortress (okay, probably not technically a rogue-like game).

Since I have my server set up and quite stable now, I thought it would be pretty cool to set up ADOM on it - then we could all log into it and play, and our high scores would all be recorded in one place and compared with each other (it's not really multi-player, but comparing high scores is good enough). Sadly, ADOM hasn't been updated in 6 years, its source had not been released, and therefore it won't run on my 64-bit server.


So then the obvious solution came to me: I'll make a rogue-like game! I'm trying to learn Python anyway, and building a rogue-like game would be an awesome learning experience. Plus it would be fun. And awesome. Did I mention fun?

So anyway, the point of this thread:
Who's played rogue-like games?
What one(s)?
What did you like most about them?
What did you like least about them?
If you could design your own rogue-like game, what would it be like? What features would (and would not) be in it?

My goal is a cross-platform and endlessly-replayable game that rogue-like fans the world over would enjoy, so I want all y'all's input!
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