"i don't think it's anti-american to say we're not as powerful and unique as you seem to think we are"
As I seem to think we are, as if it's something I've just come up with on my own? Here's the BBC (interesting source, given the participants of this thread):
As I seem to think we are, as if it's something I've just come up with on my own? Here's the BBC (interesting source, given the participants of this thread):
The USA is the world's foremost economic and military power, with global interests and an unmatched global reach.
America's gross domestic product accounts for close to a quarter of the world total, and its military budget is reckoned to be almost as much as the rest of the world's defence spending put together.
The country is also a major source of entertainment: American TV, Hollywood films, jazz, blues, rock and rap music are primary ingredients in global popular culture.