"you've leapt towards the neo-con nationalistic position pretty strongly since i last checked."
One doesn't have to be a neo-con. It was not a member of PNAC who coined the term "hyperpower" (a step above even "superpower") to describe the US in the post-Cold War period, but French socialist Hubert Vedrine, while expressing his concern over the international imbalance of power. (See: To Paris, U.S. Looks Like a 'Hyperpower')
One doesn't have to be a neo-con. It was not a member of PNAC who coined the term "hyperpower" (a step above even "superpower") to describe the US in the post-Cold War period, but French socialist Hubert Vedrine, while expressing his concern over the international imbalance of power. (See: To Paris, U.S. Looks Like a 'Hyperpower')