More gun violence?

48 Year Old Man Shoots 15 Year Old Girl In Head For Egging His Car
Mindless gun violence has claimed yet another young life. Via LITTLE ROCK, AR - Charges have been filed in the shooting death of a 15-year-old girl [Adrian Broadway] early Saturday morning. 48-year-old Willie Noble is charged ...
Posted by Trogdor at 3:45am Feb 18 '14
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A friend of mine shared this on Facebook, I figured I could share it here. I know I've said it before but could it be possible that more guns are not the answer for America?

From the Article:

Mindless gun violence has claimed yet another young life. Via

LITTLE ROCK, AR — Charges have been filed in the shooting death of a 15-year-old girl [Adrian Broadway] early Saturday morning.

48-year-old Willie Noble is charged with First Degree Murder, committing a Terrorist Act, and five counts of Aggravated Assault.

What, exactly, was Adrian doing that she needed to be shot? Egging a friend’s car as a prank:

“Apparently Mr. Noble’s teenage son had done a prank on some of the kids that were inside the vehicle on Halloween Night,” Lieutenant Sidney Allen explained. “As a result they were doing a retaliation prank and it ultimately had deadly results.”

So someone was messing with his car and Noble had a gun. The obvious conclusion was that he should kill them? Where does this belief that people have the right to murder come from?

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