Texas Anti-Abortion Bill Fails

Texas abortion bill fails to pass after epic filibuster
A bill that opponents claimed would virtually ban abortion in Texas failed to pass late Tuesday after lawmakers missed a deadline by just minutes. There were chaotic scenes after a filibuster attempt fell just short and protesters cheered, clapped ... nbcnews.com
Posted by Sir Four at 7:43am Jun 26 '13
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States can not ban abortion outright, but the latest tactic is to create de facto bans by creating onerous regulations on facilities that perform abortions. The Texas bill was expected to force the closure of nearly all the states' abortion providers.

State sen. Wendy Davis, D-Fort Worth, staged a heroic filibuster against the bill.

Unlike during famous filibusters in Washington, D.C., when senators talked about anything that came to mind to fill the time, Davis was required to speak nonstop and on topic without sitting down or even leaning on her desk for support.

Republicans were able to defeat the filibuster just before the voting deadline, but a crowd of protesters staging a "people's filibuster" caused a disruption, delaying the vote past the deadline.

No doubt the battle has only just begun. Republicans will try to pass the bill again, likely in the near future.

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