More flooding

Posted by Trogdor at 8:47pm Feb 24 '13
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There is more flooding in New South Wales, this time I was up on my folks' farm when the waters hit. I took a few photos whilst in the area and have included them here.

Here we see the water getting up a bit, that water at the bottom and to the left, that's not normally there. It's flowing through the bottom field from the neighbour's field.

We went for a drive down the road, this is one of 3 ways out of the area.

There isn't normally water flowing here at all, 48 hours of steady rain will make a creek though. Its about 2 foot deep here, trust me, I had to walk through it.

The boundary fence upstream is only holding on with one piece of high tensile steel wire. And where that pole is in the middle, that's normally 3 foot from the edge of the water.

This native bush lemon tree is usually 4 foot above the water level.

The water flows left to right here, and normally it trickles to the left of that tree as it goes downstream.

When I get home tonight I'll upload the video I took.
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