Cop stops beat-down, loses job

Posted by Kromey at 2:07pm Oct 18 '12
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Remember Bogota police officer Regina Tasca? She intervened to stop an illegal assault by two police officers on an emotionally unstable, non-violent young man who was just waiting for an ambulance.

She's since been terminated, officially because she's "unfit for duty". Apparently 11 years of exemplary service is irrelevant when she crosses the Blue Line and opposes fellow cops using excessive force -- fellow cops who, by the way, were never even questioned about their assault!

After this incident, she was suddenly confronted with another incident from a few weeks prior, when she was accused of failing to aid another officer who was "assaulted" by a drunk, petite woman. The supposed "assault"? When the drunken woman went into hysterics and flailed her arms, she made incidental contact with the officer's hand -- and just happened to break open a pre-existing wound on his knuckle. The IA "investigation" consisted of ignoring the dozen-plus witnesses to the incident, and instead was based solely on one interview with a 14-year-old Ambulance Corps volunteer -- who also happened to be the "investigator"'s niece!

This is why with all the "bad cop" stories you're constantly hearing, you don't hear about the "good cops" that we're assured are out there -- the moment they surface, they get ejected as quickly as possible from the force. Just ask Ramon Perez, who was ejected from the force for refusing an (unlawful) order to Taser a non-violent elderly man in questionable health who was not resisting arrest.
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