The problem for us in the US is

Posted by Sir Four at 2:01pm Apr 27 '12
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all the stimulus efforts amounted to just treading water, not laying permanent groundwork for future growth. To get the debt under control, we do have some headroom for tax increases, if that's what's necessary. Except Republicans are still fantasizing about further tax cuts--as if that's remotely possible in our present situation. An easy "win" on the spending side would be to dial back some of the military spending, which is at an absurd level. Again, though: Republicans. Honest to God, they're fucking this country. The only other "big pots" of money on the federal budget to cut from involve whacking seniors (Social Security, Medicare) or the sick poor (Medicaid). People in this country talk about cutting the federal budget, and they start talking about things like getting rid of public radio or the National Endowment for the Arts. Goddamn stupid.
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