What the hell?

Posted by Sir Four at 12:57pm Jan 11 '12
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Outgoing Mississippi governor Haley Barbour just pardoned 199 convicts, and now refuses to discuss his action. Among the pardons are 14 convicted murderers. One pardoned convict, David Gatlin:
"Gatlin walked into a trailer in 1993 where his estranged wife, Tammy Ellis, lived and shot her in the head as she held her 6-week-old baby in her arms. Walker, the woman's friend, survived a gunshot wound to the head. Gatlin was convicted of murder, aggravated assault and burglary of a residence."

Victims' families are freaking out. What the hell is up with this?

Gatlin and four other life sentence convicts who were pardoned had worked at the governor's mansion under some sort of good behavior prisoner work program.
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