Boy kicks bully; accused of sexual harassment

Posted by Kromey at 3:03pm Dec 9 '11
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Let me boil it down for you:
* Kid who has been bullying this boy for some time approaches him on the bus and begins choking him
* Boy, unable to breathe, kicks his attacker in the groin
* School treats the situation like sexual harassment on the part of the victim!

As you can see from the story's update, the boy's in fact being transferred to another school, but does anyone else see a problem with even for an instant considering this to be sexual harassment? Even if he weren't acting in self-defense, in what bizarro world is kicking someone in the groin sexual harassment??

I've always thought that schools' reaction of punishing the victim in such clear-cut self-defense cases was outright stupidity, but to then even suggest that this was in any way sexual assault is just insane!! Among the myriad other problems with this notion is the fact that throwing around such an accusation willy-nilly risks desensitizing to real sexual harassment and meeting real victims with incredulousness when what they need is help and support.
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