Internet Censorship Bill Coming To A Vote!!

Posted by Kromey at 1:17pm Nov 21 '11
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SOPA, just the latest in a long line of reincarnations of an internet blacklist bill that would in effect create the Great Firewall of America (except worse, since private entities could censor sites off the web without any government involvement whatsoever!), is coming to the floor for a vote right after Thanksgiving!

Senator Wyden has pledged to do whatever it takes to stop it, including a filibuster on the Senate floor. His goal is to read on the floor the names of everyone who opposes this bill, and enter into the record those names he can't for some reason read.

Follow the link below to sign the petition and get your name on the record as being an opponent of this unconstitutional and egregious affront to freedom and the most basic of American values!
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