Posted by Kromey at 3:41pm Nov 3 '11
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Occupy Wall Street -- perhaps more appropriately dubbed "Occupy Whatever Street" to be inclusive of the many spin-off protests all over the nation and even beyond our borders -- is a grassroots movement dedicated to opposing the evils of capitalism and fighting for the "little guy", or the "99%" as they've been labeled (never mind that political views in opposition to OWS [e.g. Republicans, Libertarians] clearly go well beyond just 1% of the population, otherwise there'd be nothing but Democrats and other OWS sympathizers in office and thus no need to protest in the first place!).

Over-ambitious and politicized labels aside, however, how does OWS compare to other grassroots movements, such as the much-maligned Tea Party?

Let's start off by recalling that the left wing is not full of saints and daisies: you have racist calls for the "lynching" of an African-American SCOTUS justice, and Wisconsin protesters comparing Walker to Hitler and Mussolini (among other things) while simultaneously denouncing as heinous identical comparisons applied to Obama and other liberals.

Let's also recall that despite the common meme, there's very serious doubt -- and no evidence at all -- of the "racist Tea Party" hurling racial slurs at elected officials.

Anyway, returning now to OWS, here we have a peaceful, law-abiding protest movement. Well, not quite -- 137 media-reported incidents of violence, vandalism, or other lawlessness perpetrated by OWS protesters. [Despite the conspiracy theory anti-media rantings, the author actually makes a very good point, although you have to admit it is strange that reporters are quick to make excuses for OWS threats of violence so soon after blowing up every single incident from Tea Party sympathizers.] Not to mention the effect that the drain on police resources by OWS protests is having on crime elsewhere.
Thanks to Occupy Wall Street's drain on police personnel, shootings increased 154% in New York alone. What is it in Chicago, Seattle, Boston, Oakland, and Cleveland?

Just last week Vice President Joe Biden was all freaked out about the possibility of crime rates increasing if Congress didn't pass Obama's Son of Stimulus. Well, that premise was based on a lie, but the same White House trying to sell that bill of bull isn't at all concerned with the very real increase in crime caused by the Occupiers they encourage.
[Quote from here (already previously linked); Biden's lie discussed in unrelated article here.]

And meanwhile, the OWS movement is itself rife with hypocrisy as they demand better lives for themselves while complaining about "freeloaders". It's also worth pointing out that the protesters themselves are freeloaders, as the whole movement is propped up by donations and support from other people who are actually working.

And where's this support coming from? Well, from groups like Communist Party USA, the American Nazi Party, and even the government of North Korea, among many others.

Before responding to my post, here are a few thoughts:
1) Compiled here is far more evidence painting a dark picture of OWS than I have ever seen compiled against the Tea Party.
2) Of those who love to bash on the Tea Party, I have not seen a single one of you ever question the negative statements made of the Tea Party, despite the lack of evidence and even, in some cases, evidence directly to the contrary!
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