ATF accused of arming drug cartels for war

Posted by Kromey at 1:35pm Jul 27 '11
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Yeah, yeah, this is now my, what, 5th post on the Fast and Furious scandal? Apparently I get my news from different sources than everyone else, so it's my humble effort to try to keep y'all informed on what I believe is a very important issue.

Anyway, things are continuing to get even worse for the ATF:
The failed federal anti-gunrunning program known as Operation Fast and Furious got so out of control in November 2009, it appeared the U.S. government was single-handedly "arming for war" the Sinaloa Cartel, documents show, even as U.S. officials kept lying to fellow agents in Mexico about the volume of guns it helped send south of the border.
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The link below is to the latest Congressional report from the ongoing investigation into this scandal. It's long -- 60 pages -- but anything that opens with a quote like this
"That is, I mean, this is the perfect storm of idiocy."
Carlos Canino, Acting ATF Attaché in Mexico
can't be all bad!
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