More allegations against DoJ in Fast and Furious

Posted by Kromey at 4:27pm Jul 8 '11
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See also my posts on this topic here, here, and here.

Acting Director of the BATFE, Kenneth Melson, has testified to Congress that the DoJ has apparently attempted to conceal the facts of Fast and Furious from Congressional oversight, including reassigning the managers who had been involved and then directly ordering ATF employees from telling Congress about the reassignments.

Senators Issa and Grassley have sent a letter to US Atty. Gen. Eric Holder over concerns of possible involvement of the FBI and DEA; these two agencies are now sitting alongside the BATFE and the DoJ on the list of those being implicated in this scandal.

So the real question becomes: How high and how far did this go? And why is the DoJ so afraid of Congress digging into it? And who out there still thinks that a DoJ Inspector General is the appropriate person to be investigating this scandal?

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