Posted by Kromey at 8:18pm Feb 1 '11
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You must sign in to send Kromey a message
Yet again, Apple proves that its devices give you "freedom" only so far as they'll let the leash out, before they jerk you back into line with what they think you should be doing.
I just don't get how people can see the kind of shit Apple does on a regular basis, and still support this shitpile of a company. Everyone complains about how "evil" Microsoft is, and then gives Apple a free pass on identical -- and in many cases, worse!! -- behavior. Apple's App Store has been an unmitigated disaster, and provides no end to evidence that they want full and complete control over consumers, not giving consumers "freedom" as their marketing so boldly proclaims.
I just don't get how people can see the kind of shit Apple does on a regular basis, and still support this shitpile of a company. Everyone complains about how "evil" Microsoft is, and then gives Apple a free pass on identical -- and in many cases, worse!! -- behavior. Apple's App Store has been an unmitigated disaster, and provides no end to evidence that they want full and complete control over consumers, not giving consumers "freedom" as their marketing so boldly proclaims.