New estimates are 20-40 thousand

Posted by Anthem at 11:12pm Jun 10 '10
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barrels of oil a day. Every day since April 20th. BP and the Coast Guard really underestimated their first announcement of 5,000 barrels a day. It's nothing near that. bf's client is out there. He said that his boats ran across plumes, the largest being 70 miles wide. He said the divers are hitting sludge until about 30 ft down in the ocean.

I really don't see how the Gulf will survive this, but I'm trying to be optimistic.

Also, it started effecting my family. My sister's (who is about to have a baby) husband got let go from his electrician job because everyone is cancelling work in this area. There is no work. He's filing for unemployment. My sister has to deal with this stress in the last week/weeks before she delivers. Not happy.
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