clear water florida

Posted by nibor at 12:14pm Jun 4 '10
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My buddy fritz was at a festival in clear water Florida and said this morning he was walking on the beach and saw a glob of oil. Small but still. so sad. Natty my heart goes out to you and yours. I know soon it will find a way up here too and my friends and family who live of the ocean and the bay will feel the effects.

It's so hard to watch and fell helpless. I really do just want to pack up move there get a hazmat cert and clean up. but I can not afford to right now.

I hate how they were so unprepared for some thing like this.

In such jobs isn't there a worst case scenario manual or some shit like that.

But Florida wow. i haven't talked to my aunt in Georgia about it I wonder if there is any around there.

Some one said some thing similar a while back it is painful to think about it for to long as i don't think my mind can truly wrap it self around such a tragedy.
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