Who Was Rachel Corrie?

Posted by Sir Four at 6:09pm Jun 2 '10
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From my 4degreez post dated Mar 26, 2003:

Rachel Corrie was a 23 year old American girl who was standing in front of Palestinian homes with other activists, protesting their demolition, when an Israeli bulldozer ran her over. There is no way that the bulldozer operator did not see her. She was standing right in front of the thing with a megaphone. Israel is claiming it was an accident; that she fell in front of the bulldozer and the operator could not see her.

Israel's excuse was BS, and the killing of Corrie was as indefensible as their practice of demolishing Palestinian homes. You can read more about this event here.

I bring this up because the activists protesting the Gaza embargo are sending another supply ship, named the Rachel Corrie. What this tells me is that they are very savvy about media exposure and likely expect that the meaning behind the name will be explained to Western audiences, evoking the image of Israeli brutality.

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