This is the War on Drugs

Posted by Kromey at 3:37pm May 6 '10
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Police in Missouri bust down a family's door in the middle of the night, then shoot a caged pit bull and a corgi in front of the family's 7-year-old son.

Yes, clearly an animal as vicious as a corgi requires the business end of an automatic weapon! I could see a case for shooting a pit bull to prevent it attacking the officers, but this one was caged and therefore posed no threat to the officers!

And what did the officers find? A pipe with resin, a grinder, and less than a few grams of marijuana. Clearly a major bust!

The parents have been charged with child endangerment for having this very small amount of drugs; the officers who fired automatic weapons in the vicinity of the 7-year-old child, however, clearly did not endanger the child!

In the video below you hear the gunshots, and you can hear one of the dogs yelping after being shot, but you never see either one.
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