I'm having a really hard time with this one

Posted by Kromey at 9:07pm Apr 9 '10
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I simply can't bring myself to feel anything even remotely like sympathy for a multiple child molester. And I have nothing but sympathy for one of this asshole's victims snapping and going over the edge. I mean, hell, this guy's own wife is pretty much saying "Meh, guy had it coming to him"!

At the same time, driving to the guy's house with a loaded weapon and then shooting him dead obviously has an element of pre-meditation to it, alcohol or no. That's out-and-out homicide.

Homicide, no matter how happy we may be that the victim is no longer of this earth, or no matter how much sympathy and understanding we may have for the killer, simply cannot be tolerated in any law-based society.

If the abuse were still ongoing, then I might suggest it was a justifiable act of self-defense, but as it stands... I definitely don't think this guy deserves the maximum sentence, but neither does he deserve to be let off the hook. Also, he definitely needs psychiatric help.
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