School spying through webcam

Posted by Someone Else at 9:25pm Feb 22 '10
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Am I just blind, or am I really the first to bring this story to 4k?

A school's getting sued for activating the webcam on a school-issued laptop without permission and then bringing the kid into the office, showing him shots from the webcam, and giving him a talking to about his "improper behavior"...

I got home and looked at my webcam and immediately aimed it towards my ceiling...I've done that before, getting all weirded out at the idea of it being on without my permission (after all, that's a simple matter of software, and malicious software isn't exactly hard to come by and you don't always know you have it).

This story freaks me out on many levels...yeesh.

Anyone with a little more eloquence wanna chime in on this? :P
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