The hell we do

Posted by Essie at 12:55pm Feb 14 '10
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I can guarandamntee you that if they allowed legal carry of weapons on college campuses, that person, or the virginia tech fella, wouldn't have been able to kill that many people. It's Alabama, for christ's sake! If it's anything like NC, everyone over the age of 3 knows how to shoot marginally well.

With current laws, you have to wait for the police to show up while a psychologically deranged individual goes to town with his guitar case full of guns because the good guys aren't armed. If I've got a concealed carry (which requires education, certification, and approval from the local sheriff's dept.) He's not getting off more than one shot before I've incapacitated to him. Problem is, it is illegal for private citizens to carry firearms on government property.

Last time I read the constitution, we had the right to keep and bear arms. It doesn't say we have the right to keep and bear arms only in our homes.I'm with Brandon. What this country needs is better access to psychological treatment without the associated stigma, not tighter gun control. Tighter gun laws are only obeyed by the obedient, and they aren't the one's we're worried about, are they? It's the people who will break the laws anyway that have them, and then you have an unarmed and defenseless public just waiting to be harmed.
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