Australian censorship

Posted by Trogdor at 11:30pm Jan 28 '10
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Some of you may have heard that the Australian Government is trying to introduce an Internet Filter to protect the masses from Child Pornography and Illegal Sites.

The Government has claimed that there would only be a few ten's of thousands of sites blocked. That was until they decided that women with small breasts can be considered Child Pornography and that anything showing Female Ejaculation is considered urination which has been banned in Australia for years.

Adding those categories to the Banned List increases the number of sites blocked from 10,000+ to 10,000,000+.

And a funny extra is, if a site is not classified it is banned automatically. And here is the kicker, if a classified site links to an unclassified site, it to is banned.

You guys have to help me, I need to get out of this terrible country.

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