D.C. legalizes gay marriage

Posted by Psilocybin at 3:03am Dec 20 '09
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That's right, gay (and lesbian) marriage has been legalized in Washington, D.C. From Wikipedia:

Same-sex marriage was legalized on December 18, 2009, when mayor Adrian Fenty signed a bill passed by the Council of the District of Columbia on December 15, 2009.[1] Following the signing the measure entered a mandatory Congressional review of 30 work days.[1] It is considered unlikely that the law will be overturned.[1]

I got a letter from Joe Solmonese in my email box about this, and he is just thrilled.

What's so amazing is that a city that's overwhelmingly African-American would still manage to pass a law in favor of marriage equality. I think back to when I convinced my friend La Netta to vote against Proposition 8, and then all the anger there was against Blacks when Prop 8 passed.

Now culture shouldn't be a barrier!

added on 3:08am Dec 20 '09:
,A 4thkingdom post on the scapegoating of African-Americans for the passage of Prop 8.]
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