Balloon Kid off for Adventures

Posted by Trogdor at 6:28pm Oct 15 '09
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Quote from the BBC:

A helium balloon which was floating over the US state of Colorado with a six-year-old boy reportedly inside has landed, in a drama broadcast on TV.

US media reports say the boy was not found on board. Police are now said to be searching for him on the ground.

The mushroom-shaped silver balloon, apparently made by the boy's father, reportedly reached heights of 7,000ft.

The balloon was floating about 40 miles north of Denver before it came down, surrounded by rescue vehicles.

Earlier, Larimer County sheriff's office spokeswoman Cathy Davis told reporters the balloon was owned by the boy's parents and had been tethered in the back garden of their home.
She said their two sons were playing outside when the older boy saw the younger one climb in and the balloon fly away.

Media reports said the boy had been named by local police as Falcon Heene. His father, Richard Heene, apparently used the balloon to track the weather.

The police are said to be searching on the ground, including the neighbourhood where the family lives.

Live footage of the balloon, which was being tracked by media helicopters, showed it soaring high above the ground.

The child was believed to have climbed in through an access door.

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