Terrorists found near Denver, CO

Posted by C at 11:40am Sep 20 '09
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Three men arrested in federal terrorism probe

Now, I'm reconsidering changing my SSID for my Wi-Fi from "Redneck Jihad" (no kidding).

Based on what I have read and what I can tell... terrorist cells tend to run in threes, and pretty close together.

Is it wrong that I'm looking at the haji around here with a suspicious eye??

I'm a little bit unnerved that they found a terrorist cell so close to here. I don't like the idea that I'm living near a place that's so close to any sort of terrorist activity. At least where we lived in TX was nowhere near any possible cells, because they'd stick out like sore thumbs.

At the same time though, while I'm a bit concerned, I'm worried about becoming too suspicious because there's tons of Middle-Easterners around here.
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