California to ban televisions!

Posted by Kromey at 11:05pm Mar 30 '09
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Okay, not really. Actually, that's totally and grossly and inexcusably misleading. Whatever, it got your attention, didn't it?

In reality, Cali's proposing some limits on the amount of electricity TVs may use when they are turned on. The catch? It's totally fucking needless! Plasmas, which are the big juicers, are going out of favor in the market without any guv'ment intervention. LCDs are rapidly becoming more energy efficient, without any guv'ment intervention. And OLEDs, more efficient than even the venerable CRT, are around the corner, and - you guessed it - again no guv'ment intervention.

And the trusted Energy Star? Yeah, that thing's an industry-sponsored voluntary label. Anyway, they recently announced Energy Star 3.0, which is even more stringent, and manufacturers are already reaching for it.

So why the fuck is Cali wasting their time and money to regulate what's already moving in the direction they want it to? I guess they're just making sure we all know they still got cajones are somesuch similar posturing. Socialism's bad, m'kay?
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