Global Freezing Game

Posted by Kromey at 12:38pm Jan 21 '09
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This winter has been harsh around the world, but if you live in Alaska's Interior you've really felt it - 3 weeks of -40F and colder!

This has prompted a local businessman to put on a contest: the Global Freezing Game. The idea is to guess how much colder (or warmer) this winter will be in Fairbanks than the winter in which Al Gore was born (1947/1948). To promote the contest (which is also benefiting a local charity, Presbyterian Hospitality House), several local businesses have chipped in to produce an ice sculpture of Al Gore freezing (complete with arms crossed and everything).

They've also registered two domains to promote it:
(Both go to the same place.)

Naturally, we were well into the warmest chinook I've ever seen before they were ready to unveil the whole thing, but it's still a pretty fun little thing. :-)
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