Israel bombs mosque, school

Posted by Kromey at 3:49am Jan 4 '09
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Face facts, people: If an Arab nation had bombed a church or leveled a school, there would be a huge outcry from the Western world bemoaning the bald-faced atrocities committed there.
An artillery shell hit a house in Beit Lahiya after nightfall, wounding many people, said members of the family living there. Ambulances could not immediately reach them because of the resulting fire, they said.

One airstrike hit a mosque in the northern Gaza town of Beit Lahiya, killing 10 people and wounding 33, seven critically, according to a Palestinian health official.

The civilian casualties are mounting even faster now that artillery has joined in - artillery is far less accurate than the precision bombs being dropped all over the Strip.
An Israeli air strike flattened one of Gaza's best private educational institutions, the American International School which had been targeted by Islamic militants in the past.


Most of the school's buildings, which offered American-style curriculum in English for kindergarten through 12th grade, were destroyed by the strikes, which also killed the night watchman.

So apparently the preferred method of preventing terrorism against Israel is to destroy the institutions that are preparing the youth for brighter, more enlightened futures. Brilliant! Now we'll no longer be threatened by Palestinians attending Harvard and MIT. The best and the brightest that nation has to offer, the young students still open-minded enough to perhaps someday put a stop to all the violence, won't have that chance now, all because of Israeli bombs.

Nah, these kids won't now go join the ranks of Hamas! I mean, there's still plenty of other schools... well, uh, okay, they can go fish... oh wait, right, the raw sewage thing... um...
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