Where's the outrage?

Posted by Kromey at 11:49pm Aug 19 '08
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Israel won't allow spare parts into Gaza to perform much-needed repairs and upgrades to their sewage treatment and other public works. Israel's claim that it's not their blockade but a lack of funding on the Gazan side is false - the money is there, but Israel won't let the trucks through.

Why is no one outraged that Gaza's only port, still blockaded by Israeli warships, is now drowning in raw sewage?

added on 11:52pm Aug 19 '08:
Also this:
Shana was filming some Israeli tanks from about a mile (1.5km) away on 16 April when one of them fired a flechette shell, an anti-personnel weapon which releases a shower of darts.

Nine people were killed, including Shana and eight young Palestinians, all unarmed, aged between 12 and 20.

The incident, which Shana caught on film before his death, shows the tanks fired no warning shots and there was no other fighting.

"The army itself admits that they could not tell whether they were looking at a camera on a tripod or an anti-tank missile system on a tripod," Reuters Jerusalem bureau chief Alistair Macdonald told the BBC.

Although there is no record of Palestinian militants using such a system before, Mr Macdonald says, the tank used "devastating force with a weapon that is designed to kill as many people as possible" in a wide area.

Media criticise Gaza death ruling
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