Clinton: Open to being Obama's vice president

Posted by Gregness at 4:00pm Jun 3 '08
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WASHINGTON - Hillary Clinton has told congressional colleagues she would be open to becoming Barack Obama's vice presidential nominee, saying she would consider it if it would help Democrats win the White House.

Clinton, a New York senator, made the comment on a conference call with other New York lawmakers Tuesday, according a participant on the call.

The senator's remarks came in response to a question from Democratic Rep. Nydia Velazquez who said she believed the best way for Obama to win over key voting blocs, including Hispanics, would be for him to choose Clinton as his running mate.

According to an NBC News source, Clinton said if Obama were to ask her to be on the ticket, she would be interested.

"I am open to it," Clinton replied, if it would help the party's prospects in November.

According to that source, Clinton also emphasized on that call that she would not be dropping out of the presidential race Tuesday.

She said her speech following the Montana and South Dakota primaries would be one of reflection.

The former first lady also said she wants some time to catch her breath and determine the best path forward.
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