Who here has Blu-Ray?

Posted by Kromey at 9:37pm Jan 14 '08
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From the start, HD-DVD has had support for numerous awesome features that Blu-Ray simply has not (e.g., picture-in-picture); in addition, the HD-DVD spec has, built right in, upgrade capabilities that all devices must support, so that new features can be added later. Blu-Ray has not.

This is biting Blu-Ray adopters now, as the spec has recently rolled out support for picture-in-picture and new discs support this feature, but most Blu-Ray players are difficult (if not impossible) to upgrade, and the upgrade path does not include the addition of new features (such as the new picture-in-picture features starting to come out on Blu-Ray discs).

So, in addition to being more expensive to begin with, Blu-Ray players essentially require you to buy a whole new player to gain access to new features on the latest discs; HD-DVD lets you plug into the Internet and add any new features for free.

So, who here already made the mistake of buying Blu-Ray?
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