This is outrageous!

Posted by Kromey at 3:32pm Nov 21 '07
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Imagine this exchange taking place:

Act I: A US Army recruiting office in Anytown, USA
US Army: Hello, we don't have enough boots in Iraq, so we're bribing you to... uh, I mean, we're offering you a "signing bonus" to enlist in the US Army for 4 years.
New Recruit: Sounds good! Sign me up!

Act II: A US Army hospital 2 years later
US Army: You did a good job serving your country, soldier. Too bad you've lost both your arms and you're blind in one eye.
Soldier: Yeah, well, I'd do it again to serve my country!
US Army: Glad to hear it! You're a credit to the uniform. Now, since you can't serve out the rest of your commitment due to injuries received while putting your life on the line for your country, we're going to ask you to give back that signing bonus we gave you.

Sounds ridiculous? Well, it's happening! The US military is demanding that wounded soldiers who can no longer serve the remainder of their commitments return portions of their signing bonuses. These are the same men and women who volunteered to put their lives on the line in service to their country, and they are being rewarded with a bill for their signing bonuses!!

What's next?

Act III: The home of a US Army widow/widower
Widow/Widower [reads]: From the Pentagon: We regret to inform you that your husband or wife has died in valiant service to his or her country. Now, about that signing bonus we gave him or her...

added on 3:34pm Nov 21 '07:

Bush: Here you go soldier, have a nice new t-shirt. Now, remember that signing bonus we gave you?
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