Columbine, eight years since

Posted by Bruised at 4:17pm Apr 20 '07
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A year ago today, I made a post entitled "I Remember Columbine". You can read it at the link below.

In tlight of the recent school shooting, I want to bring this topic up again this year. Let's talk about your high school. Does/Did it have a social hierarchy or clique conflict like Columbine?

I went to school at Campolindo High School in Moraga, California. My high school had many groups -- there were jocks, preppies, skaters, hippies, goths, trendies, slackers, hip-hoppers ("G's") and rednecks, but no one group was "on top" or higher or lower than any of the others. No one group accounted for more than 50% of the student body. The jocks actually weren't in the position they were at in Columbine. The counterculture types like skaters and goths hated the jocks because they were so macholy right-wing (tearing down Gay-straight Alliance posters, etc.) The preppies hated the jocks because they would drink and smoke weed and have sex all the time. There was a considerable amount of conflict though, and even conflict between different groups of skaters. (Me, I have [private] Cobain hair, a beard, sunglasses, turtlenecks, khakis and New Balance shoes.)
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