It's perhaps the biggest birthday of the year

Posted by Bruised at 1:37am Jul 7 '04
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Today, we watch arguably the world's most powerful person turn 58. Dubya, Shrub, W, Junior, King George, King George II, the Commander in Thief, Shrubya, Bush-43, GWB . . . yes, it's George W. Bush's birthday. Woo-hoo!!!!!!!! He is one year older and possibly one year wiser too. So don't forget to rally and cheer, folks!

What are you doing to celebrate the birthday of George W. Bush? Giving the man a salute whenever his face appears on a public TV screen? Brag about how you're "getting behind" him in this love-it-or-leave-it age? Or perhaps, as a sign of respect, changing your voter registration from Democrat, or even Green, to Republican?

Oh yeah, and someone else who's very masculinely militaristic is also turning 58 today. Wish happy birthday to militaristic hero Sylvester Stallone!
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