Potential solution for global warming?

Posted by blood roses at 3:27pm Jan 29 '07
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THE US wants the world's scientists to develop technology to block sunlight as a last-ditch way to halt global warming.

It says research into techniques such as giant mirrors in space or reflective dust pumped into the atmosphere would be "important insurance" against rising emissions, and has lobbied for such a strategy to be recommended by a UN report on climate change, the first part of which is due out on Friday). (source: US Urges Scientists to Block out Sun)

What does everybody think? Certainly prevention is better than cure... but there's certainly a chance prevention will fail. Especially if more countries don't get on board with emission reduction. Personally, I think it's definately a good idea to start researching means of dealing with global warming should it occur. Obviously a lot more research would have to be done into this idea, but I think it's good that people are thinking.

added on 3:28pm Jan 29 '07:
Damnit, forgot to close my blockquote. The first two paragraphs are a quote from the article, the last paragraph is mine.
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