Only 8 planets?

Posted by woofloatingonair at 11:38pm Aug 24 '06
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I don't know if this has been posted anywhere yet or not, and I will admit, I don't know much on the facts at this point, only the snippet of info that I heard on the news brief a moment ago, but it caught my attention, and I was like O_o "huh?"

Apparently, Pluto is no longer a planet. It doesn't fit the criteria. It is considered a dwarf planet however. The news said something along the lines of Pluto no longer a planet because its oblong orbit path crosses Neptunes?

What is going to be done within the education system now? Will it be taught that there are only 8 planets instead of 9 within the solar system?

Any other info on this is welcome. Correct me where I neede corrected. Offer opinions and such. When I have more info gathered I will gladly post and site it.
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