The New World Order

Posted by Kromey at 3:12am Aug 3 '06
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An Inconvenient Truth
The Sixth Great Extinction
Extinct Species Return
The Rise of Slime

This is only a small smattering of articles alerting us to what is right before our eyes.

Regardless of whether or not you believe humans are the sole cause of it all, it's virtually undeniable that the climate is changing, that existing species are dying out at an alarming rate, that long-extinct animals are returning to the surface - the very nature of our planet, Mother Nature as we know her, is changing.

Every 5th grader knows about the greenhouse effect, and about endangered species disappearing from our planet forever. We all hear the cries of "Disaster! Catastrophe!" from all manner of sources.

What we don't see, however, is right in front of our faces. What we don't see is that this isn't the end of the world, merely the middle.

We don't see the coming New World Order.

I'm not talking about US Vice-President Dick Cheney's NWO. This isn't some "good old boy" club that's going to rule the world. This is a NWO at the most fundamental level, a shift in the biological system of this planet that will forever alter the order of dominance of species.

According to biologists, there have been five major extinction events in our planet's history, the worst wiping out 96% of marine species and 70% of land species. These same biologists tell us that we're in the process of a sixth extinction event that could wipe out half of all species on earth by the end of the century (according to one estimate by E.O. Wilson). This current extinction event is, according to these biologists, the direct result of human destruction of the world biosphere.

However, there is hope, say the scientists. With proper ecological management, mankind is capable of slowing and perhaps stopping this rapid loss of biodiversity. Mankind is capable of maintaining the status quo on planet Earth.

The problem is, there is no status quo in nature. None. It doesn't exist. On the small scale, temperatures can vary wildly from "normal" on a day-to-day basis. As we increase the scale, rainfall can vary from drought to near-monsoon in the same area. Even bigger still, the number of hurricanes to strike land in a given year fluctuates amazingly.

Where is the status quo in all of this?

The problem is that mankind hasn't been around very long from a geological point of view. We see a relatively static period of time. To put this into context, imagine the life of a mosquito, an adult of which (if it doesn't get squished) lives up to 7 days. Imagine a particularly rainy week - that mosquito would think it always rained. If one day as he was flying around the sun came out, he'd scream that there must be some disaster befalling the world.

Science tells us again and again and again that the face of the planet has changed drastically through the millenia. There was a time when giant lizards ruled the entire planet, and mammals were but the occasional oddity. Then giant mammals took over, and lizards became the oddity. There was a time when the vast majority of the planet was lush, warm rainforest. Then ice took over, and you were hardpressed to find a green tree anywhere.

Even in mankind's relatively recent history you can see evidence of these natural shifts - the "Little Ice Age," for example.

If you read the article above about the Rise of Slime, you'll come across "scientists evok[ing] a scenario of evolution running in reverse." But reverse evolution is just like reverse racism - it doesn't exist. Just like racism, evolution, by its very nature, is not simply a one-way street. The "slime" is taking over because it is better adapted to changing conditions. The jellyfish are returning in droves because they are better adapted for the current state of our oceans.

This, folks, is the New World Order.

I can hear them now, the panicked cries of "Disaster! Catastrophe!" But hold your tongue. We're not talking about a disaster or a catastrophe here. We're talking about change. It's neither good nor bad, it just is. Nature is about change. The common analogy is that nature is about cycles, but that is a flawed way of thinking. There may be cycles present - the "cycle of life," for instance - but at its heart nature is about change. Species come, species go, that's the way of it. That's the way it's been for millenia bygone, and that's the way it will be for millenia yet to come.

Nature is chaos without pattern, without logic. Pure, unhindered by emotion or by thought. It is man, with his insatiable need to impose logic, restrictions, and find patterns that invents alien concepts like "status quo." However, even man at his heart is chaos, for if we truly did value the status quo we never would have invented democracy, we never would have crossed the Atlantic, we never would have spread civilization, we never would have even invented civilization. We are, just like nature, chaotic, everchanging, non-cyclical. Just like nature, we may have cycles, but those cycles are overlayed on top of ever-moving change.

Man is chaos. Nature is chaos. Thus, man is part of nature and part of nature is man.

Nature created man. Nature gave man life, gave man thought, emotion, logic. Nature gave man the abilities he uses to shape nature to his needs and his desires. Therefore man is a product of nature, a force of nature.

The concepts of "manmade" versus "natural" are thus inventions of man, are lies perpetuated by man. To distinguish what is manmade would be the same as distinguishing what is dogmade, or antmade, or birdmade. Man was given the ability to use tools, but that came from nature. Even the tools themselves came from nature. We distinguish between "natural" and "chemical," yet when you get back down to the basics it's all natural.

Thus man is a force of nature, and as such he has a hand in bringing around another New World Order. Just as the dinosaurs ruled the planet and then died out, man has ruled the planet and will die out, making room for yet another species to dominate the planet. In the meantime, it is foolish to decry man's destruction of nature, because we are natural ourselves. It is foolish to decry the destruction of nature, because nature cannot be destroyed. If the worst happens, nature will create itself out of nothing as it did before. It is the nature of nature, the nature of chaos, that it will always be around. Chaos feeds on chaos, and thus cannot be destroyed by itself. By the same token, no product of nature can destroy nature. Nature has survived, and will continue to survive, no matter what it does to itself.

Much thanks to [private] for the "Rise of Slime" article, which she posted on the Science & Tech board.
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