King George is 60!

Posted by Bruised at 12:02am Jul 7 '06
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Today marks a landmark in the history of the Bush presidency. George W. Bush, Dubya, King George, Shrub, Shrubya, Dumbya, the Smirking Chimp, the Liberator of Baghdad, the Bushinator, the Commander-in-thief, Bush-43, Junior, Whistle-ass, Bushitler, is now 60 years old. Hear anything about how he celebrated his birthday?

Some other birthdays today:

Tia and Tamera Mowry are 28.

Tim Bricheno from Sisters of Mercy is 43.

Kenji Sano is 47.

John Keeble from Spandau Ballet is also 47.

Sylvester Stallone turns 60 with the president.

Claude-Michel Schonberg is 65.

Gene Chandler is 69.

The Dalai Lama is 73.

Della Reese is 75.

Merv Griffin is 81.

Nancy Reagan is 83.

Molly Yard, the former leader of N.O.W., is 94.

Frederica Sagor Maas, who wrote the movie "The Plastic Age" (Clara Bow's debuting film), is 106.
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