Struggles but Success

Posted by shyla at 1:31pm Sep 2 '05
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Well, the Astrodome could not fit in all the refugees it had originally planned. 11 to 12,000 people are in the Astrodome and 3,000 people are in the Reliant Arena next door. But the outpouring of help from churches and local shelters is amazing. They've already started setting up job fairs and freaking fold out tables with immediate employment response. Thousands of Houstonians have offered their material donations and monetary donations to the Astrodome. It's overflowing with not only basic neccessities and toiletries but also [private]s, books, games, puzzles. It is an amazing feeling walking outside.

An couple of hours ago I stopped in a Wal-Mart for gift certificates...and the place was flooded with people who had carts full of towels and blankets and toiletries which are desperately needed for the refugees in the Dome and the Reliant Arena. It's like...well, the radio stations are calling it a labor of love instead of labor day weekend. So much comraderie. At the Copperfield Church I stopped by, I had to sign in and above my name there was tons of names volunteering to adopt families. This has restored my spirit in ways I can't describe. My friend and I cried watching and talking to these people.

Of course, there are lots of problems. Poor planning. Total communication break down. I mean the Astrodome housed less than half what was intended. We STILL have buses of people out there. Some refugees are having to sit in the heat with their babies still. Some of them are severely traumatized and I have never seen such a look of purely naked sadness of some of these peoples faces.

But they're here and alive and we're gonna keep 'em that way! Thanks to all of you who donated or prayed for these victims...and it's not over yet.
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