Shuttle Discovery

Posted by shyla at 9:55pm Aug 8 '05
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KENNEDY SPACE CENTER, Florida (CNN) -- "Unstable" weather conditions prompted NASA to scrub Discovery's scheduled landing Monday, the first space shuttle landing attempt since the Columbia disaster.

The next opportunity is scheduled for Tuesday at 5:07 a.m. ET at the Florida landing site.

"We just can't get comfortable with the stability of the situation for this particular opportunity. So we're going to officially wave you off for 24 hours," Ken Ham at Mission Control told the shuttle.

"OK, Houston we copy that. We'll be a wave off for today," responded shuttle Commander Eileen Collins.

The cloud cover, although within NASA's safety limits for landing, was enough to make mission controllers uncomfortable about attempting a Monday touchdown in Florida.

I am praying for a safe return for Discovery. I have bad feelings to admit. I've been thinking, ever since I saw one of Four's posts about the media playing up the fear factor, that maybe NASA is as well, just to generate interest? I know that for awhile there's been a lot of talk about getting the public more excited, knowledgeable and just plain interested in future take-offs. Apparently, there are more lackadaisical attitudes due to the amount of shuttle take offs. I hope I'm false in my feelings because that would be just awful! I have a real fear in my heart for these people who go into space...and the families they leave behind.

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