We could be going back to the polls

Posted by blood roses at 3:12pm Mar 25 '05
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Not over gay marriage, but over Kyoto.

Conservative Leader Stephen Harper said Thursday the party will vote against the budget if the government goes ahead with an omnibus budget bill that includes an amendment allowing environmental legislation to be used to control greenhouse gas emissions.


Harper said the party will vote against the budget unless the Liberals withdraw the Kyoto change.

The NDP and Bloc Québécois said their MPs will vote against the budget.

If all four parties maintain their positions, the minority government would be defeated.

This could be interesting. The Liberals really can't back down on this.. they've already committed to Kyoto. If the Conservatives back down now, they'll really piss off their Western base. I dont' think anyone really wants another election just a year after the last one though. I wonder if the Liberals will be able to convince the NDP or the Bloc to vote with them.
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