Are White People Capable of Terrorism?

Posted by Sir Four at 11:58am Feb 22 '10
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Here's a quote to ponder:

"Some random Arab kid screws up even *trying* to crash a plane, and it's news for weeks, with subsequent major overhauls of government practices and even the President getting involved. Some random white American SUCCESSFULLY crashes a plane, into a civilian target, and [it receives much more limited attention]." -freeweed @

Quick, cut away to a Tiger Woods story!

Andrew Sullivan:
What I find deeply alarming is that race is now beginning to define an act of terrorism in America. Fox News described the Fort Hood shootings as an act of terrorism, but did not describe the assassination of Dr George Tiller as an act of terrorism.

Both were politically motivated, and designed to foment terror, and both were influenced by extremist forms of religious teaching. Is terrorism defined by the number of people it kills? Or the race of the perpetrators? Or the religion of the terrorists?

Do you think that Americans only equate terrorism with Muslims? If so, what does that say about America?
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