Re: Should Sophie Get Health Insurance?

Posted by nibor at 2:05pm Aug 25 '09
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it's stupid that it does have to come down to this but it's buisness strategy and that is that. they look if they will be at a loss and they say hey wait we can't really do that.

There also comes in to point though that if there were more systems and people out there in this world that were willing to give there time and stop being so greedy. then maybe teh cost/ need of health care would go down.

There out dr's out there who volunteer but not enough.

Sorry this is turning in to a rant but it one of those kind of days.

Hope I made a point though.

wow i just typed some thing that seemed a bit over board so I backed it up so that I may re word it for those of you more sensitive types.

Some times hard as it may be to do you have to look down at a child and say sweety I see how unhealthy you are and I want to take you out of this missary and then realize that letting them die may be the best option. wheather medically or by just letting them live through the life they have left.

I'm sorry but I give to my community i think i shouldn't have to pay to help a new born who's chances to live are next to none.

Is that mean of me?

I wish some one would toss some statistics my way. I mean Just how much does it cost to keep a terminally ill child alive for one more day?
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