Re: Radio Session Goes Downhill

Posted by nibor at 8:50am Jul 29 '09
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Her mother is a cunt and that is all that there is to that to drag your under age child on the air on a broadcast station of any type of reasons that your child is uncomfortable with should be considered a form of mental abuse and the woman should have to go in to counseling her self for it.

As well to kinda forget that your child had been raped I mean what the fuck. Not that I would ever put my child in that position but I would have at least worded it willingly had sex.

I am really disgusted by this. I feel that if they insisted on putting this child on the air then they should have done like the show to tell the truth does where they ask a series of question off the air and then go over them on the air.

There are actually a lot of shows that tend to do it this way I think part of that is due to the anxiety though as well it helps take away some of the fear that can mess up the results.

I want to take this mother and beat the shit out of her to be honest if I had a daughter that had been raped 2 yrs ago and she was now having sex I wouldn't be happy for her but I would at least in part be glad that she was moving on.

Fuck sit down talk with the child be a grown up stop forcing other people to do the work for you.

That is what is wrong with parents today actually two big things that are wrong with parents.

First the media age fuck that keep you kids out of the eyes of the media every one I can understand if it is for some thing good like so and so just got a scholarship yeah or they are the star football player yeah. However stop trying to make yourself a star by fucking up your child's life. It is not like she went on this fucking radio show to just find out if her child was doing drugs and having sex, no she went on the god damn show and probably had all of her family and friends listening and was happy as hell to be in part the center of attention.

Part two care about your fucking kids... seriously not many parents these days care about there kids they will toss them to the lions for a thrill. They will toss them off to some one else more then not to be taken care of. Why not because they are busy not because they need the help no because Oh well I just can't be bothered with that right now. Thye turn on the tv and get fat and lazy and forget the fact that they have kids untill the school system is breathing down there throught saying things like your child is out of control or your child needs help you have to do something about this.

You know what though in most cases of this the stupid parent will turn around and blame the school ahhhh sorry this turned in to a rant

The stupid cunt should take her child hold her let her cry and let her talk to her mother who will listen with out judgment and with unconditional love.

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