Re: When should a patient's treatment lose funding?

Posted by Sovawanea at 7:18pm Feb 28 '09
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I basically agree with you, except for the age thing. Whether someone is 10 or 65 or 93, there should still be a point where the cost is not going to be worth it for the benefits in terms of success and quality of life and I find it odd that you didn't mention cost except to point out in the beginning that some of the most expensive drugs are newer or use to treat people in late stages of disease. Really, your B, C, and D are all just quality of life.

added on 7:22pm Feb 28 '09:
Oh, and the amount of people needing a treatment might be something to consider, as well. I recall some recent debate over very expensive end of life treatments not being covered in the UK and people with rare diseases pointing out that covering a particular expensive for them would not bankrupt the system due to the limited number of cases.

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