Re: The Religious Mentality on Homosexuality

Posted by Terminus at 6:40pm Nov 18 '08
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You're absolutely correct that it's not likely for the religious view on homosexuality to change anytime soon. Like [private], I think that government marriage and religious ones should become completely separate.. all people regardless of sexual orientation could obtain a government marriage/union which would give ALL the current benefits of a marriage that are government-related (dealing with taxes, visitation and other healthcare rights, and otherwise being recognized as a spouse). Then people could choose whether to have a religious ceremony, and each individual church could decide which marriages they would perform. I am sure that at least a few would decide to perform gay marriages, and I am sure that many would not, but this way no church or church official has to feel they're doing what's wrong in their beliefs (either by recognizing and/or performing gay marriages or by denying them). It wouldn't be too different from how you have to get married now, if you decide to do it outside of the courthouse.. you have to go get your marriage license and do the official government part, then you have to go do your religious part--if you didn't do the religious part, you could have a civil ceremony, same way people do those now. But the government should not use religious beliefs to dictate a government institution.
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