Re: "Why I Masturbate my Son"

Posted by Terminus at 12:59am Apr 22 '08
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My thought is that this is wrong on a few levels. One, most importantly, obviously this boy cannot consent. Secondly, he probably doesn't understand the feeling of erection, and probably doesn't link erection with sexual arousal. Being a mother of a toddler, I've learned (from experience and from reading/researching) that older infants and toddlers sometimes touch themselves (masturbate) but that at this age and level of understanding it is not sexual AT ALL in nature--it's simply exploring yet another body part, one that kinda feels neat to touch. I highly doubt that this boy is able to associate physical arousal with anything sexual or with needing orgasm/release if his mental capabilities are similar to a 6 month old baby.

The other major issue is that his father is doing it. The fact that a parent would be willing to touch their child sexually (even if they're not getting off on doing so) disturbs me. Yes, it would seem that it is incest, although it's a bit different from a parent performing sexual acts with their child for sexual gratification. I'm guessing this father probably enjoys doing this for his son in the sense that he needs to feel like he's taking care of his son in the best way possible--fulfilling his every need.

Which, I suppose, brings me to this idea. Men do not require sexual release or masturbation or the release of sperm/semen. If your body needs to get rid of old fluids, it gives you nocturnal emissions. That is to say.. if the maximum amount of sperm that the testicles can hold is already sitting in there, they simply won't produce more. There is no NEED for release--they won't overfill or explode or anything. But the body tends to like to get rid of old sperm, since the potency of sperm decreases after a while.. that old survival instinct--if we want to fertilize the egg, we need to make sure the sperm is up to the job. Obviously this guy doesn't need to make sure he's keeping his sperm supply fresh for impregnating women, so there's not even a need for wet dreams, but his body will probably take care of that for him anyway.

Long story short.. not only should this not be done since he cannot give consent, but there is no physical/mental/emotional need for sexual release (besides being a way to relieve stress, but if you're cognitively pre-sexual, there's no reason that blowing bubbles can't be just as stress relieving). Also, ew.
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