Minors and the Media.

Posted by Worker Bee at 6:19pm Oct 26 '05
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In the united states, it was once upon a time illegal to publish a minors name and picture in connection to a crime. (I don't know if it was allowed in other circumstancse or not) ,,, actually,I don't even know for sure if it was illegal, but that is what I have been told.

I have also been told that this law is no longer in existance, that it was removed about 8 years ago.

However, even if it is no longer illegal to put in the minor's name... It still doesn't typically get done. I'm sure it has on many occasions in the past 8 years, but, its just that. Occasions. Not the regular basis.

Well, in the past week, that code of conduct has been *completly* thrown out the window. Some of you may have seen things about this case on the news, some of you may not. I defenitly have, because it is in my region (SF bay area), so its been plastered on all the newspapers around me.

I should probably name what I am talking about. Well, on wednesday night, a 16 year old boy (scott dyleski), was arrested on suspicion of a brutal murder. By thursday noon, some organizations were publishing his name. By thursday night (i think), some were publishing his yearbook photo's. By friday morning, his picture was on the front page of the newspapers around here. Keep in mind, at this point it wasn't even official that he'd be charged as an adult. Everyone thoguht he would be (and they were right, he will be charged as an adult), but at that point it wasn't official yet.

Not to mention that the trial hasn't even happened yet. The media has been seeming almost... "guilty until proven innocent"... In america its supposed to be 'innocent until proven guilty" though. So basically the media has been publishing his name, picture, almost assuming his guilt, and putting out alot of negative adjectives. (Although, after a few days they started to have a few good things to say too)

So, do you think that this was appropriate behavior? Do you think it is okay to put a 16 year old's face all over the news? Or do you think that minor's should be protected? Where is the line where it becomes okay to publish, when is it not okay?
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