On the mid-east...

Posted by Worker Bee at 3:44pm Aug 13 '05
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So there is this book i had to read (it was pretty interesting) as summer homework for my AP Comparative Gov class.

Its called The Future of Freedom:illiberal Democracy at Home and Abroad .... by Fareed Zakaria.

anywas, one thing struck me as very interesting. This is a paraphrase of a quote from there:

In Febuary 2002, there was a CNN poll across various middle eastern countries... And interestingly enough, 60% of those polled, said that they believed that not a single arab had been involved with september 11th.

Now, i find that to be very interesting.. Because if its true, then say, if at that time people were supporting osama bin laden... It wouldn't nessicarly mean that they supported the attacks, simply that they felt he had been set up.

Which kind of is a mind twister...
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